= Team discussion = == Consistency of team names between projects == This issue was resolved by creating a mechanism for [http://boinc.berkeley.edu/teams/ BOINC-wide teams]. == Web feature requests == Implemented: * Membership change tracking: a mechanism for finding changes in team membership (join/leave) over time. Ability to see what team departed users have joined. To do: * Ownership change: interface to transfer ownership to another member (requires their password). * Membership management: include email addresses in sortable team list, instead of having a separate page * sortable member list (join date, total credit, RAC, country) * team page: show more than 20 at a time? * ability to send "mass PM" to team members. Under consideration: * let team founder tag members as "team assistant" (displayed next to user name). Special privileges: can view email list, can edit team settings. * When join a team, get a "Join this team on all projects?" option * phpBB-like formatting features (for team_name_html?) Not doing: * ability to send mass email to team members. (problems w/ bounces, etc.) == Client feature requests == To do: * Ability for teams to make their own installers. The installer, and the resulting client, will show team graphics. The client will automatically enroll the user in the given team when they join a project. Under consideration: * Ability to show an RSS feed (e.g. for messages from team). Not clear where this should go. * Show cross-project user and team credit totals in the BOINC manager. == Team challenges == Note: these should probably be implemented by a stats site, like BOINCStats. * One team can challenge another to see who can increase total credit the most over a given time period. Note: this is a little tricky because of the delay in credit granting. You'd have to do some of your computing a little before the time period. * Natural rivalries: Army vs. Navy; Michigan vs. Ohio State; France vs. Germany, etc. * Maybe a BOINC Olympiad, based on computation per capita. * Some notion of "weight classes" (like wrestling), with a "virtual championship belt" for each class. Winners/losers move up/down in class.