
Version 11 (modified by davea, 10 years ago) (diff)


Project statistics data

Projects export statistics data in XML-format files. Most projects regenerate the files every 24 hours. These files are contained in a download directory, usually PROJECT_URL/stats/.

The download directory contains the following files:

This gives the total number of teams, users, and hosts. It also includes the UNIX time when the files were last generated, a list of the project's applications, and the list of badges defined by the project. For example:
           <title>Top 25% in average credit</name>
List of hosts
List of teams
List of users
list of user badge assignments
list of team badge assignments

The format of the various XML elements in the output files is as follows.


  • <cpid> ('cross-project identifier') is a unique identifier across multiple projects. Accounts with the same email address on different projects will have the same cross-project identifier (as long as at least one computer is attached to both accounts).
  • All 'expavg_credit' values were computed at some point in the past (given by 'expavg_time'). To compute their current values, they must be scaled according to the RAC decay formula.
  • Text fields may contain XML entities. If you aren't using a real XML parser, you need to decode the entities yourself.

Team summary

 <founder_name>Piotr Zalewski</founder_name>
 [ <url></url> ]
 [ <name_html>&lt;b>DistributedComputing@P&#197;&#130;ock&lt;/b></name_html> ]
 [ <description>We are crunching...&#13;&#10;to make LHC better :)</description> ]
 [ <country>Poland</country> ]

User summary

 <name>John Keck</name>
 [ <url></url> ]
 [ <teamid>5</teamid> ]
 [ <has_profile/> ]

Host summary

  <os_name>Windows XP</os_name>
  <coprocs>[CUDA|GeForce 9500 GT|1|256MB]</coprocs>