Popular Urban Myths & Conspiracy Theories Part 2

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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79412 - Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 9:06:19 UTC - in response to Message 79411.  
Last modified: 30 Jun 2017, 9:09:11 UTC

Above Top secret is widely regarded as an international joke

Wow really i never knew ( sarcasam if you can't tell ) and it's got NSA people posting with disinfo n that's the way the site is and will always be ( TFH brigade etc ) . I know there's plenty of other sites just ATS is the easiest / quickest to "find" what you're after ( there is info there if you're able to cut through the B/S )
Most of the other conspiracy sites reqire you to sign up to view the threads so for ease i use ATS coz they don't ( makes reading the threads a little bit easier , don't you agree Chris ??? , if you don't like it why not surgest some other conspiracy sites ??

That hacking thing wih Gary McKinnon wern't he ALEGEDLY sposed to of hacked the US military and NASA and ALEGDLY found secret documents / ship lists / crew etc of a secret space force ??

Don't mean to say i think it's true or him having Asparagus syndrome is any excuse for his hacking ( same goes for Snowden , you sign a piece of paper you should stick to what you sign or face the concequences !!) , there's a old saying round this way " if you can't do the time , DON'T do the f-ing crime !!
That's the secret space program i'm meaninig , plenty out there if you just google it , ain't going to spoonfeed you links for you to sh#t on Chris , you started this conspiracy thread so I'm posting conpiracys , or is it Chris S knows everything about every Conspiracy so he just shoots em down with nothing to back him up ??
Least I'm posting some theorys for you , why don't you post a few chris ???
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Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 79419 - Posted: 30 Jun 2017, 23:35:28 UTC - in response to Message 79409.  

It has been suggested that every form and example of government that has ever existed has been a Kakistocracy, Mr S. As you already have one in power, one at a time and all in good time might alleviate your obvious anxiety.

That quote is a very old one, many times used over the years.
The leading three, plausibly, you encountered through recitation in a learning environment, Mr S. Might I hazard a guess and say primary? The antiquity of the last is questionable however. Is there an enlightening Nostradamus verse you are holding out on? ;-)
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Message 79420 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 3:42:36 UTC - in response to Message 79412.  

and this

Asparagus syndrome

is just unacceptable
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Message 79426 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 11:04:24 UTC - in response to Message 79423.  
Last modified: 1 Jul 2017, 11:14:35 UTC

All I know is that HFA and AS are linked under the Autism spectrum although are diagnosed separately it seems.
That is no longer the case, Chris, and hasn't been for awhile now. Asperger's was coined as a term for people on the "higher" end of the spectrum after Hans Asperger took an interest in children with autism, (considered mentally defective and worthless and classified generally as suffering from a mental disorder). He then came to coin the phrase (and came to consider them) "little professors" and set about trying to improve understanding of the condition, and its causes. That is still a work in progress with a long way to go, including comments linking them with vegetables however upmarket that vegetable might be.

Asperger's is no longer differentiated from autism or even diagnosed separately within the syndrome as you thought, Chris. It did used to be though. The problem was, hospitals such as Great Ormond Street were finding more and more children who fitted into neither definition set out by the World Health Organisation, relating to the onset and then development of speech - or lack of it in the sense of verbal communication anyway. My son was one, and is still part of their ongoing research into him and others "like him" which he is happy to do :)

So - what is now known is that if you know one child with autism, then you know one child with autism. I've come to meet many through knowing my son :) some that have locked us out more than others have - and some who haven't given up on us - despite a multitude of reasons why they'd be right to do so :)

edit: Tourette's (also within the spectrum) I think is the only one still differentiated - but I'd have to look into that further before ... you know... claiming to be correct :)
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Message 79430 - Posted: 1 Jul 2017, 11:55:57 UTC - in response to Message 79429.  

No probs :)

Apologies for derailing the thread.
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Sir Rodney Ffing

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Message 79434 - Posted: 2 Jul 2017, 0:47:24 UTC - in response to Message 79426.  
Last modified: 2 Jul 2017, 0:50:07 UTC

however upmarket that vegetable might be.
The prospect of witnessing, once again, your skill at roasting vegetables, Anniet, ;-) is what gave cause for my restraint with the red-x.

I felt certain you could do better, and was not wrong

+ 1
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79442 - Posted: 3 Jul 2017, 8:35:29 UTC
Last modified: 3 Jul 2017, 8:36:42 UTC

Just what I've found about Robert Bigelow without really trying , easy stuff 1st ;-)
Bigelow - wiki - not much info
But he does have a lot of capital behind him
And here's just page 1 of a google serch using " Robert Bigelow "
From this it looks like Bigelow areospace do have a module on the ISS from the looks of wiki the module was built under a contract with NASA

In early 2015, BEAM was scheduled for deployment on the next available ISS transport vehicle, SpaceX CRS-8, which was scheduled for launch in September 2015. Due to a rocket failure during the SpaceX CRS-7 launch in June 2015, the delivery of BEAM was delayed.The successful launch of SpaceX CRS-8 took place on April 8, 2016, and the Dragon cargo vehicle was berthed to the nadir port of Harmony node on April 10. On April 16, British astronaut Tim Peake extracted BEAM from Dragon's trunk using Canadarm2, and installed it on the aft port of Tranquility node.

The BEAM is an experimental program in an effort to test and validate expandable habitat technology. If BEAM performs favorably, it could lead to development of expandable habitation structures for future crews traveling in deep space. The two-year demonstration period will:
Demonstrate launch and deployment of a commercial inflatable module. Implement folding and packaging techniques for inflatable shell. Implement a venting system for inflatable shell during ascent to ISS.
Determine radiation protection capability of inflatable structures.
Demonstrate design performance of commercial inflatable structure like thermal, structural, mechanical durability, long term leak performance, etc.
Demonstrate safe deployment and operation of an inflatable structure in a flight mission.

At the end of BEAM's mission, the plan was to remove it from the ISS and burn up during reentry. On January 18, 2017, however, Bigelow and NASA announced they were discussing the possibility of extending the on-orbit life of BEAM and using it for other purposes.

Compaired with the other things he's involved with that's fairly mundane not really conspiracy theroy stuff .

Sorta gets " ineresting " now
In 1995, Bigelow founded the National Institute for Discovery Science to research and advance study of various fringe sciences and paranormal topics, most notably ufology. The organization researched cattle mutilation and black triangle reports, ultimately attributing the latter to the military. The institute was disbanded in 2004.

The National Institute for Discovery Science, known also as NIDS, was founded by Robert Bigelow serving as a way to channel funds into the scientific study of paranormal phenomena. The NIDS performed research in the area of cattle mutilation and black triangle reports. In 2002, NIDS issued a report which said the black triangles were U.S. military prototype blimps, a finding agreed to by other experts but not confirmed by the military.

The NIDSci bought Skinwalker Ranch after journalist George Knapp first wrote about it in 1996, and Deputy Administrator Colm Kelleher led the investigation for a number of years.A hotline was established in 1999 to receive reports of odd occurrences. Over 5,000 calls and e-mails were received by the organization. Officials say many were explained as missile test launches and meteors

If you have a read of the article a certain name appears George Knapp now if my braincells working right ain't he that cetain journalist that broke RL's story bout Area 51 " mainstream " ( Area 51 ain't aliens or ufo's that's S4 15 miles downrange from Groom lake where Area 51 is situated but on Papoose dry lakebed ) easy enough to google and check :-) , that's where alegedly theres the " sports model / project looking glass " . Does help if you know the history of the story and not just bits and pieces
easy enough to google Area 51 for yourselfs and lots of stuff on you tube if you look .
Now will start on the " interesting " parts of Robert Bigelow :-)

Please note none of the links are from ATS but there's going to be plenty coz know there's lots there about him :-)
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79733 - Posted: 23 Jul 2017, 16:09:59 UTC

Been to busy to worry bout Bigalow but ain't forgotten , but just came across this one ;-)
AN outrageous conspiracy theory claims that Nazi scientists landed men on the moon in 1942 - and one researcher says he can prove it.

Vladimir Terziski, from Bulgaria, is a conspiracy theorist dedicated to uncovering the truth behind outlandish claims that Nazi scientists put Germans on the moon.


The Nazi's / SS DID get the USA to the moon didn't they and that's history !!! But not so sure on this one but worth a giggle ;-)
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79735 - Posted: 23 Jul 2017, 17:15:55 UTC - in response to Message 79734.  
Last modified: 23 Jul 2017, 17:17:10 UTC

Perfectly true, at the end of WWII the rocket scientists on the V1 and V2 projects were given safe passage to the USA via Operation Paperclip, where they worked on the American rocket program leading to the Saturn V rocket that launched Apollo 11. Checkout "P.O. Box 1142".

I know it's true ( and don't have to google it either just to check ;-) ) that's why i posted that comment ;-) , think " paperclip " was a bit more than just the rocket program Chris , Just Von Brawn is the most well known of that criminal lot , ain't he , there's Devers who was in charge of NASA and his No 2 he was SS and both were more than " just wearing the uniform " like the scum said ( very polite terminology so don't start moaning !!! ) , amasing how certain facts can be overlooked when certain " people / countrys " can get something out of it , but that's digressing int it ;-)

Not so sure myself on the article let alone the paper it's from ;-) but 4t the article was worth posting just for chuckle value , might explain the shimmer on the moon as seen by Apollo 17 ( G Cernan and the other crew members ) and could go a lot deeper if you want me to just google John Lear and moon and you will be amazed how many listings there are , ( and ain't even mentioned A.T.S have i Chris hehe )
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Sirius B

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Message 79751 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 10:49:45 UTC

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Bernie Vine
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Message 79755 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 12:37:53 UTC

Now if you want a real conspiracy, consider the way that supermarkets regularly change their store layouts so that customers have to traipse throughout the whole store to find what they want. And more likely to pick up impulse buys on the way. Then when they get to the checkouts with irritable kids, there are all the sweets and goodies for exasperated parents to bribe them to keep quiet.

Well my Sainsburys, Purley Way Croydon hasn't changed it's layout in many years, also the one on the Isle of Wight in Newport has had the same layout for the 10 months I have been here.

As to the sweets at checkouts I believe most of the main supermarkets removed them about two years ago.

If your local supermarket still has them then perhaps you should complain.

Tesco led the way.

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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79756 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 12:53:01 UTC - in response to Message 79752.  
Last modified: 24 Jul 2017, 13:02:16 UTC

Now if you want a real conspiracy, consider the way that supermarkets regularly change their store layouts so that customers have to traipse throughout the whole store to find what they want. And more likely to pick up impulse buys on the way. Then when they get to the checkouts with irritable kids, there are all the sweets and goodies for exasperated parents to bribe them to keep quiet.

Easy to bust that one , do your shopping online , loads easier than traping round the local tesco's and get it deliverd :-) :-) :-)

It's a conspiracy I tell you

That's easy it's called " screw the customer " and it's been hapening for years

Yea Chris that is the ATS i was meaning ain't got to be a rocket scientist / brain sturgeon or BT worker to work that one out , :-) :-) :-) :-)

Ohh could post a bit of conspiracy bout a " Local organisaition " not paying their bills but I'll hold off on that one for the moment and ain't a joking matter at all !!
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79759 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 16:53:46 UTC - in response to Message 79757.  

If it keeps the brats quiet at the checkouts I'm all for it. Me complain?? Never been known !!

Really do wish you wouldn't post things like the above without a warning , you nearly made me spill me coffee !!! , anyway i honestly 4t Waitrose was the given in your neck of the woods ;-) , me Tesco's for the bulk stuff with home delivery and you know why , but East ofEngland COOP in Woodbridge for most things + they deliver but no online ordering :-( . ain't much of a choice unless you head to Ipswich and I'll leave that toilet alone thanks !

Chris you can't call em brats anymore , that's so un P.C but I blame the parents .
Defo ain't a conspiracy with the main supermarkets more like a monopoly with the big 4 , but know for a fact Tesco's on Martlesham Heath are having " brown trouser time " coz Aldi are opening up a store on the heath aswell ( with the pr#cks at BT suprised there ain't a waitrose thro hehe ;-) ( coz they think they're so much better than everyone else !! ) ) .

Came across this in my lookings into Bigalow but another " well known " name in conspiricy circles Ben Rich He was the head of Lockheed " skunk works " till he retired , this ties in with a certain " seret bace " about 100 miles away from Las Vegas and the seret American space program , from skinwalker to this :-)


Amazing how so much is interconnected when you start looking :-)
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Sirius B

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Message 79761 - Posted: 24 Jul 2017, 17:57:20 UTC - in response to Message 79759.  

To paraphrase A Mel Gibson film, "We were brats once...& young" :-)
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79763 - Posted: 25 Jul 2017, 5:52:23 UTC - in response to Message 79761.  
Last modified: 25 Jul 2017, 5:53:39 UTC

To paraphrase A Mel Gibson film, "We were brats once...& young" :-)

Yea but i bet you got your ear clipped by your parents same as i did if i played up when you were a kid , and that don't happen nowadays do it !!
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79925 - Posted: 1 Aug 2017, 18:02:21 UTC
Last modified: 1 Aug 2017, 18:03:20 UTC

Just reading through the rags online and see what sh#te is occuring in the world ( apart from the WH comedy latest installment ) and came across this well known " old chestnut " of a Con theory
The 50th anniversary of Neil Armstrong's first steps on the lunar surface took place last month, but many conspiracy theorists across the glo Then there's the conspiracy their all in be remain convinced it was the biggest cover up of all time


I think the US did get to the Moon ( even if it was on the " back " of war criminals !! ) if they " faked " it surly the USSR would be kicking up mega stink about it wouldn't they ?
Plenty of doco's on you tube bout the Moon gets me that the above is never said , weird or what ;-)
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Message 79927 - Posted: 1 Aug 2017, 18:31:35 UTC - in response to Message 79925.  

I wonder if Marcus Allen knows Clyde over at Seti?
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Sirius B

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Message 79929 - Posted: 1 Aug 2017, 18:57:34 UTC - in response to Message 79925.  

Wow, it's 2019 already? That was a long sleep :-)
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Mark Stevenson

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Message 79933 - Posted: 1 Aug 2017, 19:11:54 UTC - in response to Message 79927.  

I wonder if Marcus Allen knows Clyde over at Seti?

;-) could do think both are a bit looney and they can't be told any different from what they belive to be right , think both probably have to wear sunglasses 24 / 7 / 365 coz the briliant sunshine coming out of their respectives all the time
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Sirius B

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Message 79935 - Posted: 1 Aug 2017, 19:22:46 UTC - in response to Message 79933.  

I bet that amount of solar radiation has addled their brain cells :-)
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