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lockedOlaf Bornack of Team BOINC@Halle/Saale has supplied [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10553 8 Dec 2006
lockedLinux users: check out the new BOINCTail add-on.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12638 6 Dec 2006
lockedIt hasn't been released yet, but already several skins are available for BOINC Manager version 5.8 (currently under test as version 5.7.x). Check out Crunching Family Skin Downloads.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10844 4 Dec 2006
lockedA recent article in the Bulletin of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, A Cast of Thousands, discusses the [url=]Rosetta@home project and its a
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10132 4 Dec 2006
lockedBOINC's new Online Help system lets you get help from volunteers by talking with them using Skype. Volunteers speak several languages.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9978 4 Dec 2006
lockedJean-Michel Penasse of L'Alliance Francophone has create a web site,, showing the User of the Day of all BOINC projects going back to October 8 2006
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10568 27 Nov 2006
lockedDocking@home participants: the project is unreachable because of a campus-wide network connection failure at Univ
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9229 23 Nov 2006
lockedBOINCstats is now available in Spanish. Thanks to Miquel Pericas for the translation. BOINCstats in Spanish can be visited at
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10084 15 Nov 2006
lockedCheck out new add-on software: the SETI@home Toolbar for Firefox and IE on Windows (SETI@home-specific), and [url=http://
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10628 7 Nov 2006
lockedWe are preparing to release client software with a new GUI that is simpler, smaller, and more graphical than the current BOINC manager. Projects can supply their own graphics (icons, application-specific slideshows) for use in this GUI;
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10316 7 Nov 2006
lockedIssue 3 of bunc (BOINC UK newsletter) is now online, with articles on a wide range of topics.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10051 17 Oct 2006
lockedInterested in getting a one-CPU-month job finished in five minutes? BOINC can potentially help you do this, but some work is needed.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9894 9 Oct 2006
lockedVersions of BOINC (and some applications) are now available for Solaris (x86, i686, SPARC), Linux (Alpha, SPARC), FreeBSD (x86, Alpha) and HPUX (including the BOINC Manager) from [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12397 8 Oct 2006
lockedEric Korpela and David Anderson were interviewed today by Mike O'Connell of BOINC UK. Many topics were covered, including the question of credit and optimized clients. Download a recording of the conversation (MP3, 13.5 MB) from [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10135 4 Oct 2006
lockedThe 2nd Annual Pangalactic BOINC Workshop was held in Geneva on 20-21 September. Read the online workshop proceedings.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9078 26 Sep 2006
lockedUW-Madison CAE, the first BOINC user to top the 1 TERAFLOPS barrier, now has surpassed 2 TERAFLOPS
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9798 11 Sep 2006
lockedThe Spinhenge project has moved into public beta test, and is accepting new participant accounts.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9693 2 Sep 2006
lockedGridRepublic, a BOINC account manager, recently moved into beta test. It was written up by CNET.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10036 24 Aug 2006
lockedBOINC and SETI@home are featured in an article in Asahi-shinbun, one of the most popular newspapers in Japan.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10680 20 Aug 2006
lockedNew documents discuss using BOINC for Desktop Grid Computing and for creating Virtual Campus Supercomputing Centers.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9465 16 Aug 2006
lockedA BBC Radio program on 'Citizen Science' - including a segment on volunteer computing and BOINC - will air tomorrow, 16 Aug 2006, 9 PM British Time. It will also be available [url=]
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11628 15 Aug 2006
lockedParticipants with preferences for different venues (home, school, work) can now view these side-by-side in a multi-column format. Also, preference values are now checked for validity. Thanks to Christian Beer for the PHP programming behin
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9676 14 Aug 2006
lockedAn article about Quantum Monte Carlo at Home appeared 03.08.2006 in the German newspaper WAZ.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9632 11 Aug 2006
lockedA recent update of McAfee security software on Windows causes BOINC 5.4.9 to not work (details). We have released a new version, 5.4.11, that fixes the problem and works with the latest McAfee software.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9833 3 Aug 2006
lockedThe 2nd Pan-Galactic BOINC Workshop will be held 20-21 September at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Anyone actively involved with BOINC is encouraged to attend.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9495 2 Aug 2006
lockedChess960@home is open for testers. This project studies a game that is like classical chess except that the initial configuration of pieces is chosen randomly from among 960 possibilities.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10833 26 Jul 2006
lockedWelcome to three new BOINC-based projects. Two are mathematical: Riesel Sieve looks for prime numbers of the form k2n-1, and Rectilinear Crossing Number
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10082 25 Jul 2006
lockedBOINC user survey: due to a bug in our software, answers to the question 'Which are the most important factors when you decide whether to participate in a BOINC project?' were not recorded correctly. Please [url=poll.php]fill out the survey f
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10436 22 Jul 2006
lockedThe BOINC survey is now available in Japanese. If you'd like to translate it to another language, please contact us.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12826 21 Jul 2006
lockedWe are conducting an online survey of BOINC participants. Please fill out the survey form - your responses will help us improve BOINC and the projects that use it
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 14435 13 Jul 2006
lockedArticles in Nature, The Economist and [url=]W
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 14035 13 Jul 2006
lockedThe TANPAKU project, based at the Tokyo University of Science, is open for participation. TANPAKU (from the Japanese word tanpaku-shitsu, meaning 'protein') studies protein structure a
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11170 7 Jul 2006
lockedWant to deploy BOINC quickly and easily on a Windows network? Read The Lazy Slug's Guide to easy deployment and maintenance of BOINC on your network.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11388 30 Jun 2006
lockedA paper about BOINC's API and runtime system will appear in the SC06 conference.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9724 29 Jun 2006
lockedA new Secure BOINC Client for the Macintosh is available for testing. This version limits BOINC applications' access to your system and data, thus protecting your computer from accide
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12487 28 Jun 2006
lockedPav Lucistnik has developed boinc_curses, a Unix console-based program (like 'top') to monitor and control BOINC.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9916 22 Jun 2006
lockedBOINCstats and the BAM! account manager are now available in Japanese.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9561 21 Jun 2006
lockedBOINC's CPU scheduler has become smarter: it now waits until an application has checkpointed to preempt it and remove it from memory. This can save significant CPU time, especially on multiprocessors. Technical details are [url=sched.php]
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9633 15 Jun 2006
lockedWe have added preliminary support for legacy applications that do not use the BOINC API (e.g
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9213 14 Jun 2006
lockedThe BOINC UK Newsletter Circular (bunc) has released its June 2006 edition, featuring an interview with David Anderson.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9520 10 Jun 2006
lockedWindows users: if BOINC applications are repeatedly crashing on your computer, it's possibly that you need to upgrade to the latest version of DirectX.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9298 7 Jun 2006
lockedRecent newspaper articles on BOINC and Rosetta@home: Worldwide, 690,000 help computer effort and [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10116 31 May 2006
lockedThe BOINCStats Account Manager (BAM!) is now available for use. BAM! provides 'one-stop shopping' for finding and attaching to BOINC project; see the news item of May 11. Thanks to Willy de Zutter
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10218 30 May 2006
lockedBOINC has added preliminary support for 'low-latency' computing; e.g
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9388 25 May 2006
lockedThe costs of electricity, both monetary and environmental, are high. Be aware of the energy considerations associated with BOINC and volunteer computing.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9338 17 May 2006
lockedVersion 5.4 of the BOINC client software has been released. This version lets you use account managers - special web sites that let you browse BOINC projects, attach/detach, change resource share and setti
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9516 11 May 2006
lockedThe first-ever BOINC birthday cake appeared at the 7th SETI@home-Catalonia Meeting (and 1st BOINC-Catalonia Meeting), held in Girona last April 22nd. Also: [url=][
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10478 9 May 2006
lockedThe latest German BOINCcast discusses; earlier BOINCcasts cover SIMAP, LHC@home, and uFluids.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9771 30 Apr 2006
lockedThe CERN Courier's Computer Newsletter features an article on BOINC activities at CERN.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10169 14 Apr 2006
lockedAccording to various statistics sites, over one million computers have now contributed processing power to BOINC projects. We're currently achieving a sustained processing rate of over 400 TeraFLOPS - the world's most
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12101 13 Apr 2006

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