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lockedWe have developed an example application, together with project files and Makefiles for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The application demonstrates how to do checkpoint/restart and graphics. Projects can use this as a framewo
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9699 13 Apr 2006
lockedThanks to the efforts of volunteers, BOINC is now officially part of the Debian Linux distribution. Packages for the BOINC [url=]core client[/u
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10436 6 Apr 2006
lockedWindows users: new versions of Intellipoint and [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11073 4 Apr 2006 is one of several excellent web sites showing BOINC statistics. It's available in a number of languages, now including Chinese.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9428 3 Apr 2006
lockedThe Seasonal Attribution Project, a spin-off of, seeks to determine the extent to which extreme weather events are attributable to human-induced climate change. Its application
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10795 15 Mar 2006
lockedTony/Knightrider/Chuggybus has created BOINC coinage. See the large and small versions. The Latin text means 'Berkeley open and shared resources'.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9427 5 Mar 2006
lockedQuantum Monte Carlo at Home announces the public release of the first chemistry BOINC project.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9790 3 Mar 2006
lockedA significant step has been made towards integrating BOINC and Grid software: beginning with Condor version 6.7.17, Condor can be configured to run BOINC when it has no other work to perform. This capability is described in [url=http://ww
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10098 24 Feb 2006
lockedBOINC announces its support for the Macintosh/Intel platform.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9654 22 Feb 2006
lockedBOINCcast is the first German Podcast about BOINC. Weekly episodes of 5 minutes length will explain Distributed Computing and the Goals of BOINC to the German public, and will present and explain th
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10125 19 Feb 2006
lockedView a video clip about the BBC Climate Change Experiment.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11339 15 Feb 2006
lockedBOINC and have joined forces with the BBC to launch a new experiment -- a full simulation of climate change from 1920 to 2080. The experiment is described on a BBC television documentary Meltdown (BBC-4, F
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10873 14 Feb 2006
lockedThe SZTAKI Desktop Grid is now in production. The project, based at the MTA-SZTAKI Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems in Budapest, Hungary, is attempting to find all the generalized
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10086 8 Feb 2006
lockedThe Similarity Matrix of Proteins (SIMAP) project is now in production. SIMAP, based at the Technical University of Munich, uses volunteer computers to calculate similarities between proteins
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10486 6 Feb 2006
lockedA story about SETI@home's transition to BOINC appears in the Nature web site.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9642 15 Dec 2005
lockedA new paper, The Computational and Storage Potential of Volunteer Computing, explores the limits of BOINC-based projects.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9152 12 Dec 2005
lockedBOINC has a job opening for an experienced programmer (C++/Python/PHP/SQL/HTML). For more information go to The job is number 003496, and is listed under Information Technol
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9694 9 Dec 2005
lockedWe have created a new email list,, for announcements of new versions of BOINC client software.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9332 29 Nov 2005
lockedCheck out A BOINC seminar by Juan Antonio Lopez Perez of CERN, presented at CIEMAT in Madrid, November 2005. Also available in a [url=
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11670 27 Nov 2005
lockedAggregate credit data (user and host credit data summed over all BOINC projects) is now available in XML format. This data can be used for applications (like the 'Featured participant' above) that reflect overall
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9901 15 Nov 2005
lockedIBM's World Community Grid has launched a BOINC-based project (currenly Linux only).
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10039 1 Nov 2005
lockedDavid Anderson talks about BOINC and volunteer computing in a podcast at
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9689 28 Oct 2005
lockedVersion 5.2.2 of the BOINC client software has been released. It includes a simpler registration procedure, security enhancements, and numerous other improvements.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9062 20 Oct 2005
lockedRosetta@home, a BOINC-based project at the University of Washington, has launched and is seeking participants. Its goal is "..
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 11800 25 Sep 2005
lockedHigh-Performance Task Distribution for Volunteer Computing, a paper about BOINC server performance, will appear in the e-Science 2005 conference in December.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12355 23 Sep 2005
lockedSearching for Gravity @ Home[/url], an article about Einstein@home and BOINC, appears in the September 2005 issue of IEEE's The Institute.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9415 6 Sep 2005
lockedA conversation with David Anderson in ACM Queue Magazine.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10172 29 Aug 2005
lockedWe are redesigning BOINC to use a user-supplied identifier and password instead of a system-supplied random key for identifying an account. Comments on the design are welcome.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9560 14 Aug 2005
lockedBOINC is transitioning to use libcurl for HTTP operations. This will allow BOINC to use HTTPS (secure HTTP) for scheduler requests and file transfers.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9745 9 Aug 2005
lockedNon-open-source code (RSAEuro and GLUT) has been removed from BOINC. OpenSSL's crypto library is used for encryption.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10951 3 Aug 2005
lockedA group of students from Cornell have written Distributing Science, a very nice article about BOINC and some of the projects using it.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9768 25 Jul 2005
lockedA paper by Jakob Pedersen and Christian Søttrup discusses the interoperation of the Grid and BOINC.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 12643 24 Jul 2005
lockedBOINC statistics sites continue to evolve. Check out Every Earthly Hour, developed by Hydnum Repandum
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9685 25 Jun 2005
lockedBOINC now works in Windows 'service' mode on computers with dialup connections and the 'confirm before connect' preference set. The connection confirmation and setup process has been moved to the BOINC manager, which (unlike a service) is
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9597 24 Jun 2005
lockedAccount management system are web sites that let participants sign up for multiple projects with just a few clicks (and no account keys). The BOINC manager (development version) now lets you select, ch
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9450 24 Jun 2005
lockedWe've improved and simplified the CPU scheduling and work-fetch policies, using a detailed simulation of BOINC's weighted round-robin scheduling. When the simulator predicts that a deadline will be missed, the client switches to earliest-dead
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9512 24 Jun 2005
lockedWe have added new API calls that allow applications to do their own CPU benchmarking, or directly report their floating-point operation count. This will give more accurate credit numbers
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9147 24 Jun 2005
lockedWe've added two mechanisms that give better estimates of result completion time (and thus better scheduling and fewer missed deadlines): 1) we track the 'CPU efficiency': the average fraction of CPU time that BOINC apps receive while they
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9198 24 Jun 2005 is featured in an article in the journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9658 16 Jun 2005
lockedTwo Wiki-based BOINC informational sites have been launched recently: The Unofficial BOINC Wiki (in English) and Deutsche BOINC FAQ (in German). Because these sites ar
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10067 3 Jun 2005
lockedBOINC is featured in The Berkeley Science Review.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9559 31 May 2005
lockedEric Myers and Charlie Fenton have written excellent documents on how to compile BOINC and BOINC applications on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9394 14 May 2005
lockedBOINC and BOINC-based projects are discussed in the article 'Grassroots Computing' in the May 6 2005 issue of Science magazine.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9622 11 May 2005
lockedWe finally have an installer and GUI for Mac OS X! It is available as a development version, and will become the standard version soon.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9070 10 May 2005
lockedMany BOINC applications have interactive graphics (e.g
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10794 10 May 2005
lockedAs the number of BOINC-based projects has increased, a problem has emerged - if a computer is attached to lots of projects, it may have trouble finishing work in time. We are revising the BOINC client's [url=sched.php]CPU scheduling and w
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9362 10 May 2005
lockedLHC@home is a BOINC-based project being used to simulate the orbits of particles in CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Read about it in the CERN Bulletin.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9788 10 May 2005
lockedVolunteers have ported SETI@home and BOINC to a variety of platforms, including Solaris/x86-64, Linux/x86-64, Linux/PPC, HP-UX, and FreeBSD.
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9132 11 Apr 2005
lockedWe released the BOINC Menubar, a user-friendly client software version for Macintosh OS X. It can be installed and run through a GUI interface - no Unix commands. We also released the Windows installer announced in the January 1 2005
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 9293 8 Mar 2005
lockedThe Einstein@home project was officially launched this morning. BOINC users are encouraged to participate in this project, which searches for spinning neutron stars (also called pulsars) using data
1 ProfileDavid Anderson 10527 19 Feb 2005

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