Thread 'command lines of Boinc client'

Message boards : BOINC client : command lines of Boinc client
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Message 45414 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 20:53:19 UTC

Hi everyone,

I am trying to connect mu boinc client to the boinc server. I got it through boinc client GUI, but my goal is to get it through command line.

I tried this command and received the msg below:
boinccmd --host --passwd 1234 --project_attach 3_2fb84f56857bf9e8647f31f84489cc47
Authorization failure: -102

My file "gui_rpc_auth.cfg" has only one line with the string "1234"

I also created a file account_192.168.149.18_boinc_project.xml:

I've downloaded the boinc 7.0.31 but when I type "boinccmd -V" shows : boinccmd, built from BOINC 7.0.24
I am following th instructions from here.

Best Regards
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Message 45415 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 21:36:45 UTC - in response to Message 45414.  

The BOINC command line tool Boinccmd isn't used to attach a computer to a project. You use the BOINC binary for that.

Usage: boinc [options]
    --abort_jobs_on_exit           when client exits, abort and report jobs
    --allow_remote_gui_rpc         allow remote GUI RPC connections
    --allow_multiple_clients       allow >1 instances per host
    --attach_project <URL> <key>   attach to a project
    --check_all_logins             for idle detection, check remote logins too
    --daemon                       run as daemon (Unix)
    --detach_console               detach from console (Windows)
    --detach_project <URL>         detach from a project
    --dir <path>                   use given dir as BOINC home
    --exit_after_app_start N       exit N seconds after an app starts
    --exit_after_finish            exit right after finishing a job
    --exit_before_start            exit right before starting a job
    --exit_before_upload           exit right before starting an upload
    --exit_when_idle               exit when there are no results
    --fetch_minimal_work           fetch only 1 job per device
    --file_xfer_giveup_period N    give up on file xfers after N sec
    --gui_rpc_port <port>          port for GUI RPCs
    --help                         show options
    --launched_by_manager          client was launched by Manager
    --master_fetch_interval N      limiting period of master retry
    --master_fetch_period N        reload master URL after N RPC failures
    --master_fetch_retry_cap N     exponential backoff limit
    --no_gpus                      don't check for GPUs
    --no_gui_rpc                   don't allow GUI RPC, don't make socket
    --no_info_fetch                don't fetch project list or client version info
    --no_priority_change           run apps at same priority as client
    --pers_giveup N                giveup time for persistent file xfer
    --pers_retry_delay_max N       max for file xfer exponential backoff
    --pers_retry_delay_min N       min for file xfer exponential backoff
    --redirectio                   redirect stdout and stderr to log files
    --reset_project <URL>          reset (clear) a project
    --retry_cap N                  exponential backoff limit
    --run_cpu_benchmarks           run the CPU benchmarks
    --run_by_updater               set by updater
    --saver                        client was launched by screensaver
    --sched_retry_delay_max N      max for RPC exponential backoff
    --sched_retry_delay_min N      min for RPC exponential backoff
    --show_projects                show attached projects
    --skip_cpu_benchmarks          don't run CPU benchmarks
    --start_delay X                delay starting apps for X secs
    --unsigned_apps_ok             allow unsigned apps (for testing)
    --update_prefs <URL>           contact a project to update preferences
    --version                      show version info

For boinccmd:
usage: boinccmd [--host hostname] [--passwd passwd] command

 --create_account URL email passwd name
 --file_transfer URL filename op    file transfer operation
   op = retry | abort
 --get_daily_xfer_history           show network traffic history
 --get_disk_usage                   show disk usage
 --get_file_transfers               show file transfers
 --get_message_count                show largest message seqno
 --get_messages [ seqno ]           show messages > seqno
 --get_notices [ seqno ]            show notices > seqno
 --get_project_config URL
 --get_project_status               show status of all attached projects
 --get_simple_gui_info              show status of projects and active tasks
 --get_state                        show entire state
 --get_tasks                        show tasks
 --join_acct_mgr URL name passwd    attach account manager
 --lookup_account URL email passwd
 --network_available                retry deferred network communication
 --project URL op                   project operation
   op = reset | detach | update | suspend | resume | nomorework | allowmorework
 --project_attach URL auth          attach to project
 --quit                             tell client to exit
 --quit_acct_mgr                    quit current account manager
 --set_debts URL1 std1 ltd1 [URL2 std2 ltd2 ...]
 --set_gpu_mode mode duration       set GPU run mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --set_network_mode mode duration
 --set_run_mode mode duration       set run mode for given duration
   mode = always | auto | never
 --task url task_name op            task operation
   op = suspend | resume | abort
 --version, -V                      show client version

ID: 45415 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 45416 - Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 22:20:12 UTC - in response to Message 45415.  

The BOINC command line tool Boinccmd isn't used to attach a computer to a project. You use the BOINC binary for that.

Well, up to a point. Yes, the BOINC binary actually does the work, but if BOINC is already running, you can use boinccmd to tell it what to do.

Your boinccmd list contains the commands:
--create_account URL email passwd name
--project_attach URL auth attach to project
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Message 45422 - Posted: 24 Aug 2012, 15:21:35 UTC - in response to Message 45416.  

Hmmm, missed those.
In that case, can one even do http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn? I thought that you can't capture an IP address in HTTP format.
ID: 45422 · Report as offensive
Richard Haselgrove
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Message 45467 - Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 14:21:59 UTC - in response to Message 45422.  

Hmmm, missed those.
In that case, can one even do http://nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn? I thought that you can't capture an IP address in HTTP format.

You can't capture it, but if you know it (because you set it up yourself, or you've seen it in response to a ping or tracert to a url), you should be able to use it anywhere a url would normally be used.

I haven't tested it in the BOINC environment, but I'm pretty sure it would work: I do regularly use in a browser address bar to manage my router, or for my network printer's internal web server. All you're doing with that format is bypassing the DNS/hosts name resolution stage.
ID: 45467 · Report as offensive

Message boards : BOINC client : command lines of Boinc client

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