Milestone 6.2

Completed 16 years ago (Dec 16, 2008, 11:26:42 AM)


Total number of tickets: 17 - closed: 17 - active: 0

Client - Build

1 / 1

Client - Daemon

5 / 5

Client - Logging

2 / 2

Client - Scheduler Policy

2 / 2

Client - Setup

1 / 1


3 / 3

Server - Scheduler

2 / 2


1 / 1

Major changes

  • Application graphics are produced by a separate program, rather than a thread in the main program. This eliminates problems where the main program can't access the display. It also eliminates the case where a graphics problem causes a job to error out. Details are here.
  • On Windows, run BOINC and BOINC apps under a separate (unprivileged) account, providing the same level of "sandboxing" as currently exists on Mac/Unix?.
  • Simplified Windows install.
  • On Mac OS X and Linux, use memory-mapped files rather than shared-memory segments for client/app communication. Some systems have low limits on the number of shared-memory segments (e.g. Mac OS X has a limit of 8). Apps compiled with the new API will work with pre-V6 clients (by checking for the existence of the memory-mapped file, and using shmem if not there).

Transition and compatibility

The V6 client will be completely compatible with pre-V6 applications. Pre-V6 clients will be completely compatible with V6 applications.

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.