Changes between Version 48 and Version 49 of ProjectOptions

Jan 6, 2008, 2:22:27 PM (17 years ago)



  • ProjectOptions

    v48 v49  
    4141        Maximum results sent per scheduler RPC. Helps prevent hosts with trouble from getting too many results and trashing them. But you should set this large enough so that a host which is only connected to the net at intervals has enough work to keep it occupied in between connections.
    4242 '''max_wus_in_progress'''::
    43         Maximum results in progress per host. Setting this to something (like 2 for instance) will limit the number of results a given host can simultaneously have registered as 'in progress'.
     43        Maximum results in progress per CPU. Setting this to something (like 2 for instance) will limit the number of results a given host can simultaneously have registered as 'in progress'.
    4444 '''min_sendwork_interval'''::
    4545        Minimum number of seconds to wait after sending results to a given host, before new results are sent to the same host. Helps prevent hosts with download or application problems from trashing lots of results by returning lots of error results. But don't set it to be so long that a host goes idle after completing its work, before getting new work.